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Partner Case: Why Digital Transformation is a Key Driver for Growth at New York Pizza

New York Pizza is a fast-growing pizza franchise in the Netherlands at prime locations. The company produces dough and other ingredients for its own stores and is currently going through a major digital transformation. Axians, Any2Info Gold partner, took the lead and is helping the company to realize its growth ambitions.

Martijn Schreurs, CFO at New York Pizza: “Technology is a crucial driver for growth and efficiency. If you look at the product-and quality standards we apply we are a frontrunner. If you look at our our revenue growth and how many stores we have opened, you can say that we clearly distinguish ourselves in a positive way in a very competitive market category. Both our own numbers and the market show that this is a growth market.”

“Technology is a crucial driver for growth and efficiency."

Technology as the backbone

Technology plays a prominent role at New York Pizza, says Martijn: “Actually at all levels and in every department. It's a topic of discussion just as much in the boardroom as on the shop floor. Eventually, you see that the technology involves all layers in your organization. We can't realize everything at once, but we experiment a lot and always check whether an idea is effective and whether it is profitable, now and in the future. The return on technology investments can also be such that you will communicate better with your customers. This may not immediately result in a higher profit margin, but it does increase customer satisfaction. And in our world that's worth as much as earning money immediately!”

Company-wide digital transformation

New York Pizza has been a long-time customer of Axians and uses Exact for its ERP. Now, the company is making the transition from reasonable straightforward automation to all kinds of innovative applications, such as Warehouse Management, EDI and various business apps. The apps are primarily intended to streamline the processing and packaging process for Euro Pizza Products. Martijn explains: “New York Pizza and Euro Pizza Products are two separate companies within the same group. With New York Pizza we are very innovative, we are essentially an online company as most orders already go through our own digital storefront. Our digital transformation in which Axians is playing a key role is mainly focused on Euro Pizza Products, the company that supplies our stores and which takes care of our entire supply chain."

Technology is key to improve efficiency

Martijn sees technology as a crucial tool to work more efficiently: “Without it you need a lot more hands. And if you need a lot more hands, you depend on the quality of your individual employees. With the right tools you can work more efficiently and effectively, and it also makes work more transparent. Both for our employees and our franchise customers. Maybe communication is a little less personal, but you're always in sync and you stay informed as to what's going on in the company.

Easier to scale up

Technology enables New York Pizza to scale up much faster so they can keep up with their growth. Martijn: “At New York Pizza, we are extremely ambitious to move to 200 stores in a very short period of time. We would like to realize this with our existing employees,  we want to manage our growth without hiring a lot of extra people. We want to achieve this innovative applications. With the implementation of a Warehouse Management System, EDI and business apps, we increase our efficiency and we are much more in control. And don't forget: if you go paperless and keep track of everything digitally, you create a system of record that enables you to optimize core processes continuously.”

"And don't forget: if you go paperless and keep track of everything digitally, you create a system of record that enables you to optimize your processes continuously.”

Data exchange for delivery drivers

Martijn likes to focus on the implementation of business apps to streamline their supply chain: “We outsourced the distribution of our raw materials to external partners and they are the ones that use a mobile app to exchange data and communicate key information with the drivers regarding deliveries. They use the app to digitize packing slips and to communicate drivers. This results in effective digital information exchange instead of sticky notes and endless phone calls.

The app also offers the possibility to register all physical movements of the driver, and more. For example, when a store employee sends an order to leave two delivery containers. The driver immediately receives a push notification via the mobile app so that she does not have to walk back and forth between the delivery van and the warehouse twice. This saves a lot of time. The apps are in fact control tools that ensure that everybody stays in sync with what's happening in the warehouses and on the shop floor in real-time. This helps both drivers and store employees to stay informed and to be more productive in what generally is a very hectic environment.

Innovate faster

With Any2Info it's easier for business owners and IT to collaborate on what needs to be build and what the design of an app should look like. This makes the process of building an app and innovating core business processes more efficient and fun, and thanks to no-code this leads to much faster results. Are you excited to learn more then book a demo with us or discover what else is possible through our partner Axians.

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